Excursion Tips


The Ermitage - a wellness park created by nature

Switch off from everyday life, refuel with natural energy, recharge you batteries.  You can do all this with a stroll, a vigorous walk or a jog through the Ermitage, our wonderful English country park with imposing rocky crags, age-old trees and caves steeped in history. 

Revitalize yourself in one of the best known natural energy sources in Switzerland.  Absorb the tranquillity which radiates from this place.  Let yourself be enthralled by the mystical power of this location which was already well known beyond the country’s borders in the 18th century.

The entrance to the Ermitage is a natural rock archway with a waterfall.  After walking through the archway you come to a steep stone staircase which leads upwards through an opening into the daylight.  A few more steps brings you to a second cave from where winding footpaths lead to Rittiplatz and further sights. 

Explore the caves and hermit’s hut and experience for yourself the meaning of the inscription ‘O Beata Solitudo; O Sola Beatitudo’ (O, happy solitude; O, only happiness). The hermit's hut (Waldbruderklause) is open from April to October every Sunday from 2 pm to 5 pm. 

One of the favourite walks in the Ermitage is a stroll around the middle lake whose placid surface tirelessly reflects the changing moods of the seasons.
Here the concept of wellness assumes its original meaning: to feel well in harmony with nature.

Further along another path leads to the Dreiröhren spring with the carved face of a forest sprite, his eyes gazing up the path towards the upper lake.

Flyer The Ermitage
More information www.ermitage-arlesheim.ch


Birseck Castle

Birseck Castle was only included in the Ermitage after 1812. It has been uninhabited since 1763, but not yet in ruins. In 1793 the French soldiers burned down the residential wing. Conrad von Andlau, the son of Balbina, bought the castle and now the ruins of Birseck in 1808. After extensive restoration, it is now open to the public again. Visits from Easter to October 31st on Wednesdays and Sundays from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Reichenstein Castle

The well-preserved, medieval castle «Burg Reichenstein» is a historical landmark. The dominant residential tower offers a wonderful panoramic view of Arlesheim and the surrounding communities. The castle is rented out by the municipality of Arlesheim for celebrations and occasions. It offers space for 50 people.

A walk around Reichenstein Castle is also worthwhile.


The Ermitage and Castles
The Ermitage and Castles 2
The Ermitage and Castles 3
The Ermitage and Castles 4
The Ermitage and Castles 5
The Ermitage and Castles 6


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Gasthof zum Ochsen
Ermitagestrasse 16
CH-4144 Arlesheim


+41 61 706 52 00



